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Nilkantha Multiple campus has been a pride of Dhading District and center for academic career. It has been imparting quality education and supplying skilled and semi skilled manpower to the society since 2000. Being a community campus its responsibility is towards the people of the community it has been focusing on providing higher education opportunity to the people of the society at nominal cost without compromising quality. Because of rigorous effort of campus management committee, teachers,non teaching staff, students and continuous support from guardians, parents, different level of government, Tribhuvan university tha campus has been accredited by University Grants Commission, Nepal on 8th of Ashadh 2077 B.S. which is the historical achievement of Campus as well entire people of Dhading district.The campus is planning to add new program like B.B.A.,B.B.M., B.C.A. and other technical programs as per the need of the market and society in near future.I would like to welcome all the prospective students to Nilkantha Multiple Campus.